This week, I discovered this amazing blogger!!!
His name is Alfred Sirleaf. He is not just any blogger, but an analog blogger who writes major news stories of the day on the chalkboard at the entrance of his village in Liberia where you can get no electricity. He calls this 'Daily talk'.

There are no big words, but very simple language and
symbols/drawings to make it easier for people who can't read.
He had no education, nor media training for news. and why he got into this?
He realized the war continues because people don't have access to any information relevant to their government's decision making process. “Daily Talk’s objective is that everybody should absorb the news’’ he says.

Every morning, he buys 3~4 newspapers and rewrites them and composes the day's headline. Because of his provocative style of reporting the truth, the daily talk was destroyed twice since its inception in 2005.
Occasional gifts or pre-paid phone cards keep his newsroom alive.

Very much tight. I like this post